This explains everything! I now know who I am and why I do what I do. I bet you thought that Scooby Doo was on the side of rationality and scepticism? I mean, usually the immortal spirit was just a very mortal old man in a cheap Halloween costume.
The video is split up into multiple parts and the part where he examines He-Man in particular was of great interest to me.
I was a huge He-Man fan and to now discover the truth that I was being brainwashed into worshipping Satan and secretly being versed in the dark arts of levitation and astral projection just breaks my blackened heart.
Magick Mel Oct 4 2008 - 6:45 pm
what it’s a blog!!
i stole my older brother’s book on He-Man as child.
and i love the cartoons in the 90s, they have batman and anything
double Ben 10 ruinned my saturday morn’.
i still watch cartoons. how many cults i’m part of without even knowing???
and i’m apart of pull back bat-pod.
**end of my jibber jabber**
The Crazy Dane Oct 6 2008 - 12:12 pm
why are people always reading too much into things??? i mean, it’s little red riddinghood all over again!! Of course cartoons a imaginary conditions with hidden statements but COME ON!!
Karl Mrx was soo right, religion is Opium, and thees guys are junkies…
Magick Mel Oct 6 2008 - 2:29 pm
well, by the power of the grey skull..
all 5videos are bullying cartoons which had sorts of powerful dark magic.
well, it down to what you believe in,
and i have too much free time,right now…
The Crazy Dane Oct 6 2008 - 3:29 pm
Too much free time.. tell me about it.. can’t move bec a stupid food…!!
Well I really don’t see why Dark Magic should bee worse then what “god” does.. i mean, he’s totally judge and jury with everybody!!!
Crtoons Rock… i totlly love Disney AND Scooby-doo!!!
Hanna Oct 6 2008 - 5:05 pm
Well, Barry…
I don’t know what happened to you when you were a child, but whatever it was…
I want it to happen to me too!
Barry, you’re a freakin’ genious.
Magick Mel Oct 6 2008 - 6:39 pm
Crazy Dane, cartoons are awesome and will be for a long time. i have nothing against them.
has anyone see the grim adventures of billy and mandy??
Barry AND Stuart are freakin’ awesome.
team switzerland!! like in twilight!
Hanna Oct 7 2008 - 5:21 pm
Magick Mel,
I’ve seen the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy!
I love it!
It’s so dark and funny hahaha
Barry and Stuart are great.
I just wish Stuart blogged more often.
The Crazy Dane Oct 7 2008 - 6:23 pm
I LOOVE CARTOONS…:D And no i have unfortunately not seen the Grimm adventures of Billy and Mandy…
What’s it about??
Magick Mel Oct 7 2008 - 10:31 pm
Hanna!, Billy and Mandy is awesome!
it would fun to live with a grim reaper.
Stuart will be blog one day, he just very unexpected.
crazy dane, this only good video i could find
they still air them on cartoon network
i love the fact it’s not about he-man etc anymore, yey for brain melting tv shows like magick, i want watch the blood clinc bit for some reason. why are all comments on here super long?
Hanna Oct 8 2008 - 5:02 pm
Magick Mel, I saw the video.
OMG it’s really funny I love it.
Barry & Stuart are freakin’ amazin’ and I think they rule the world.
Magick Mel Oct 8 2008 - 7:55 pm
Hanna without a h on end,
if barry and stuart ruled the world
there would baguettes, sharp things and a theremin. (why do know all this information?)
i heart barry and stuart dot com.
thee end.
Hanna Oct 8 2008 - 11:31 pm
Barry and Stuart are so amazing….
I soo love ‘em…..
Magick Mel….
I totally agree with ya.
I believe you are a real fan and I’m too.
I think we could be really good friends
You seem like a nice person
Magick Mel Oct 9 2008 - 2:31 pm
look at these comments,
barry and stuart are made of awesome.
Hanna, you can find me here…
and here.. – post graphics and things there.
well, i’m going to make pretty icons etc and watch cartoons
The Crazy Dane Oct 9 2008 - 6:31 pm
Oh my Mickey Mouse… i actually knew the cartoon by apperence, but i can’t see Crtoon Network… but it’s really funny..!! btw i’m more a Disney-kind-a-gal..

And I think that our comments are so fricken long is coursed to us beeing girls… we kind of have a tendensy having problems keeping things short… i’ve heard…
Magick Mel Oct 9 2008 - 7:49 pm
sorry but how cool are those tiny faces.
disney is good, black and white mickey mouse on sega
aww, barry’s blog is full of comments off girls.
i just want see this works, with the whole img src..
great, i’m now in awe over barry’s web skills. *claps*
Magick Mel Oct 9 2008 - 7:53 pm
img src doesn’t work on here, oh well
it says barry jones can slam revolving doors in form of an icon.
Hanna Oct 9 2008 - 7:55 pm
Magick Mel……you’re somethin’ else.
I had an impression that u didn’t like me…
Am I right.
I mean, I really don’t wanna piss you off.
I thought that maybe we could just get along, since we’re B&S’s fans.
Magick Mel Oct 9 2008 - 9:12 pm
Noooo, i’ve gone insane from soo much sunny d and waiting this darn final twilight trailer.
of course it would awesome to have another B&S fan friend.
now, i just feel bad
your a B&S fan, of course i would like people who like them, i put the fansite myspace link up there in comment no.13 for you or these comments will be never ending.
Hanna Oct 10 2008 - 3:55 pm
Magick Mel,
It’s alright! Don’t worry!
I’m just happy you don’t hate me…!
So……we’re friends now, huh?
Your fansite’s amazing and it’s just great that now I have another B&S Fan as a friend!
Lots of Love,
Magick Mel Oct 10 2008 - 5:09 pm
yes, we are friends!
i don’t hate anyone on here or any B&S fans.
thee fansite not that amazing. it’s still undergoing the making of content.
awesome stuff.
i could not watch billy and mandy today without thinking about here.
Hanna Oct 10 2008 - 5:54 pm
That’s just sweet.
Magick Mel,
In your MySpace Picture….
Barry and Stuart really carrying you and your friend?
WOW Thats awesome…
Magick Mel Oct 10 2008 - 6:44 pm
ha ha hanna found that picture.
awesome, my friend is also my sister(the one with brown hair), those two days were like woah!
the interweb just gave me a stupid invalid syntax error!. ahhh!
Hanna Oct 10 2008 - 10:06 pm
OMG! You and your sister are sooo lucky!
If Barry or Stuart carried me I’d be like…..
Wow…that’s great
Magick Mel Oct 10 2008 - 10:52 pm
23 now 24 comments.
that’s like the highest number of comments so far on these very blogs!
i was super-dupa-hyper-happy. i still am when i look back on it, minus i went all quiet… lucky
i spotted them from down road and it freaks me out still like when i see a kit-kat.
Hanna Oct 10 2008 - 11:01 pm
And what happened?
Did you ask them to carry you?
Magick Mel Oct 10 2008 - 11:06 pm
ha ha!
i think it was stuart’s idea.
aww, he’s too awesome and barry too!
i still need finsh that blog about this.
might finsh it tomorrow.
Hanna Oct 10 2008 - 11:20 pm
That’s sooo awesome!!!
He’s just freaking hot and awesome.
Barry’s the sweetest!
You’re so lucky you met them.
You see, I live in Brazil.
It’s very hard for me to finally get to meet them.
I just wish someday my dream can come true
Magick Mel Oct 10 2008 - 11:37 pm
Brazil!!! How did find B&S?
sick tricks(magick) or something??
it’s like 12:36 at night in england.
i need sleep very soon
Hanna Oct 10 2008 - 11:54 pm
Ohhh the funniest thing. Literally.
I searched the word “funny” on youtube.
I found Barry and Stuart’s Funny Magic Trick!
It was love at first sight!
It’s 8:50 p.m. here in Brazil.
What’s your MSN?
magick mel Oct 11 2008 - 11:08 am
wow, just by the word funny.
oh bugger it…
here’s my shamefull msn:
nothing happens there anyway.
i’m way too lazy make a new one.
30comments!!! awesome
must buy sunny d and new headphones.
The Crazy Dane Oct 12 2008 - 9:06 am
hey Magick Mel…
then we wouldn’t have to use this board for conversations… 
Wondered, would it be okay if i added you on my MSN??
Magick Mel Oct 12 2008 - 12:43 pm
The Crazy Dane of course,:)
i starting to feel sorry for this comment board, is it even board??
Aoife. Oct 12 2008 - 3:08 pm
Ahaha. The Lord ‘spoke’ to him.
He’s the kind of dude you just wouldn’t invite round for Christmas.
Hanna Oct 12 2008 - 6:57 pm
Awwww That’s sooo awesome
I loved your MSN!
It’s hottttttt
Hanna Oct 14 2008 - 4:45 pm
I just wanna share my happiness with all Barry & Stuart fans.
I’m very happy to be making History here in the Comments Page and I just couldn’t do it without The Crazy Dane and Magick Mel.
I love you guys and, of course, Barry and Stuart.
freakclau Oct 18 2008 - 10:10 pm
wow… a few days without accessing their site and I come across this! Couldnt help but read the comments!
Hanna, de que cidade vc ‘e? Tbm adoro B&S, eles sao demais! Este verao estive em Londres e fiz questao de ver um show deles, vi o preview de Part-Time Warlocks! Muito bom!
Anywyas, regarding the video… honestly ppl have too much time in their hands! Some christians are just too much to handle!!! In brazil there are lots of this kind of things going on… which seriously… is BS!
Imagine me then? all the cartoons i used to watch and still watch!! robot chicken, south park…. all the shows I love… Dexter and True blood…. i must be really messed up then! LOL
Not only cartoons are ‘attacked’ like that… but also songs… and i remember in Brazil even one of the biggest children icons of brazil XUXA was been attacked as to have had a deal with the devil and so forth….
Instead of worrying about how to come around and end poverty, hunger and inequality they spend too much time worrying about less useful things!
Hanna Oct 19 2008 - 2:14 pm
freakclau, que legal você ser brasileira!!!
Não são muitos brasileiros que gostam de B&S… o que é uma pena… eu moro no Rio de Janeiro!
E você?
Hahahaha é verdade aquele negócio da XUXA hahaha coitadaaaa.
freakclau, I totally agree with you! People just can’t handle too much information! I wish people used that intelligence and cleverness to solve the but problems of the world….
Moi Oct 19 2008 - 6:49 pm
You uys are great, love your shows and you blew my mind with this last trick, I watched this exact videoon you tube as part of a different surfin session earlier on today, then I come to your site and here is the same video again ! What a chance
Beatrix Von Bourbon Oct 21 2008 - 1:37 pm
Is Phil actually Satan himself, doing a bit of self-promotion, in a latex mask?!
And does this mean that my Velma tattoo is actually some kind of mark of the devil?!
…*sigh* I much prefer sceptics.
freakclau Oct 21 2008 - 7:32 pm
Hanna, nao que nao tenham muitos brasileiros q nao gostam deles, acho q c eles fossem mais conhecidos com certeza o brasil iria adorar eles. Nao sao muitas pessoas que sabem deles, quanto estive em londres nenhuma das pessoas q eu conheci sabiam quem eles eram.
Moro em Montreal, Canada, mas meus pais estao em Balneario Camboriu, SC. saudades da minha terrinha!! fazem 2 anos q nao vou pra la!
Acho q c eu morasse em Londres eu seria akelas groupies… heheheh enquanto minhas amigas c obsessam com New Kid on The Block, eu me obsesso com Barry & Stuart. LOL
te juro, um dia irei morar na Edinburgo (pelo menos sera mais perto de Londres) e arragarei um Escocezinho pra mim! heheheheh
oq vc faz?
Hanna Oct 21 2008 - 8:19 pm
Eu sou estudante haha
E você? qual a sua profissao? qts anos vc tem?
Eu tenhu 14…
Ahhh q fofaaa hahaha
Eu tb quero um Escocezinho pra mim hahaha
Mas eu quero que ele seja o Stuart! haha
Magick Mel Oct 21 2008 - 9:45 pm
what the…. stuart’s complex eyeball.
Natalie Oct 21 2008 - 10:16 pm
i can just imagine Barry & Stuart sat at the computer or laptop with a cup of tea in one hand and a loaf sandwich in the other reading these comments and laughing
random i know xD
freakclau Oct 21 2008 - 11:24 pm
14 anos, q novinha!! lol poo recem fiz 26!! mas sem duvida B&S me fazem sentir como c eu ainda tivesse 15 anos!!
eu tbm estudo, estou fazendo mestrado em International Development. espero me forma em maio!!!
vc quer q ele seja stuart? lol mas nao existe Barry sem Stuart ou Stuart sem Barry… (por isso sempre brinco q eu gostaria dos dois,
Eles sao uma gracinha pessoalmente, e o sutaque aiii q coisa mais charmoso!!!
Magick Mel, i didnt get what u meant!??
R u London? If so, ur so lucky!
It is a lovely place! I specially liked hanging out in Covent Garden
Magick Mel Oct 22 2008 - 4:18 pm
BARRY skip to 1:26..
Hanna Oct 23 2008 - 3:15 pm
voce conheceu eles pessoalmente?!?!?!?!
que sortudaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha
Aiii eu sei o sotake deles me faz derreter…….haha
Ue…..muito simples.
é so eu casar com o Stuart e o Barry ser meu amante
Elizabeth Apr 14 2009 - 4:33 pm
I am a Christian and I find this video annoying because it is taking things out of context and misconstruing them. These sort of people turn others off of Christianity and they get the wrong impression. I like some cartoons and things like Twilight and Harry Potter and Barry and Stuart have been attacked by some Christians but I love them. There are bigger issues that Christians need to be dealing with, as well as connecting to those around them. Man, that was a long rant.
kuda Nov 13 2011 - 2:59 pm
cartoons are super great
tapety Jan 18 2012 - 12:00 pm
i agree with that, there are some satanic symbols in cartoons and videoclips.
Jenny Feb 28 2012 - 9:57 pm