As some of you already know from our account, sadly the real Marley Fish who inspired me to create his own comic series, was found dead last Monday. He was adopted two years ago from Wood Green Animal Shelter after surviving being dumped when he was very small and living as a stray.
He was intelligent, strong and full of character. He could make me laugh even when I was very stressed out so you can imagine that I was, and still am, very upset about his tragic departure. I even miss Marley waiting for me to walk past him and pounce on my ankles.
I was tempted not to draw any more comics about him but have since decided that as a cat has nine lives he shall live on! As of next week I shall continue doing the Marley Monday strips. Eventually I hope to gather them into a book with all profits going to the animal shelter where he came from.
The day he was found I had to go to Sheffield to film for “The Magicians.” I had a quick moment in the evening to draw this on the back of a box of soap found in the hotel room.
Clare Feb 13 2012 - 9:07 am
Gorgeous picture Barry!Bless little Marley Fish x
Elizabeth Feb 13 2012 - 9:13 am
RIP Marley. He did seem like an interesting cat and you were super owners (if one can really own a cat). Glad the strips will continue and will help a charity a long the way. Certainly I will support in some way.
Elizabeth Feb 13 2012 - 9:14 am
Also, gorgeous drawing of Marley, and weren’t you guys adorable together.
Emilyy Feb 13 2012 - 9:29 am
awwr rip Marley;) awwr thaats an amazing drawing!!
Elizabeth Feb 13 2012 - 9:29 am
Also (Yes, I keep thinking of things to say, but I like cats!) I have certainly copied cats’ poses next to them
Anna Feb 13 2012 - 10:00 am
What a lovely photo of you together. And such a good idea to raise some money for Wood Green!
Becca Feb 13 2012 - 10:16 am
RIP Marley. When I read this, it made me cry a bit. I know what it’s like, Barry, so I really feel sorry for you. I will support you and read your blog every day to check for more information!
Nathan Feb 13 2012 - 11:06 am
I’m so sorry to hear about Marley, truely the most funniest cat since Mrs Slocombe’s Pussy. I’ve really enjoyed reading the comics and I’m glad you’re going to continue publishing them.
Vale Marley
Shannon Feb 13 2012 - 11:46 am
The drawings are fabulous Barry, and the photos of Marley are lovely.
its nice to know his memory will live on through your comics!
I also think the idea of gathering the comics into a little book is a wonderful idea, and helping the charity!
RIP Marley Fish. X
Katy Abram Feb 13 2012 - 12:42 pm
Aww I bet he still would want to be your lovely modelling assistant. I’m glad to see a legend live on!
RIP Marley Fish
Emma Feb 13 2012 - 12:55 pm
I think gathering the comics into a book is a great idea. I love the picture on the back of the soap box – RIP Marley Fish x
Juliet Feb 13 2012 - 1:53 pm
Barry, That’s a gorgeous drawing, such a thoughtful dedication to Marley Fish. I really do think that selling Marley Fish merchandise is a great idea, also, it’s wonderful that the proceeds would go to a good cause. You get my heartfelt sympathy. May he rest in Peace.
Juliet Xxx
Holly Feb 13 2012 - 5:26 pm
Aww Poor Marley he will be missed. Also I think pitting the comics into a book is a great idea and it would be for a great cause.
R.I.P Marley Fish
Danni Feb 13 2012 - 7:04 pm
I think it’s really sweet that you might put a book together and donate the profits to Wood Green! He sounded like an amazing cat!
I have a pet cat of my own that looks quite similar to Marley and she brightens my day, when I’ve had the worst day at school ever, when she leans on my leg when i’m sat down watching TV or something.
Love the comic strips so far and really happy that you are going to continue them.
R.I.P Marley
Lauraa Feb 13 2012 - 9:08 pm
Aw:s thats really sweet, iknow what it feels like, especially when your close:/ gld to hear he’ll live on though-amazing drawings!:D
Pearl Feb 14 2012 - 6:55 pm
Aww – so sorry for you
This month last year my cat passed away so I know it’s horrible! Love the drawings though
great idea about the book 
barry Feb 15 2012 - 9:09 pm
Thanks for all the kind messages. We almost got more messages on FaceBook and about marley than when The Magicians is on.
He would like to bite each and every one of you!
Mandie Feb 15 2012 - 9:38 pm
Dear Stuart,
Sorry to hear about your furrie friend. They say that pets are your best friend. How true it is. I have a cat called Tim and he just look your Marley. Tim found him self in big serous trouble and I was so mad at him. When reading your story. I realise that what i would miss him. We been to together for 14 years now, and from day one he has always been by my side though thick and thin, and believe me that not been easy.
The stories I can tell you would not believe but would make you laugh. Amimales know you aswell as you know them. In reading your story I reailse now I must appreciate Tim more. We all make mistakes in life and Tim has forgiven me every time. I think should make the most of it whill I have the chance.
Thank you once again
Becca Feb 15 2012 - 11:27 pm
Awwww……….. Thanks Barry! Hope you are coping ok.
Still supporting you,
Your biggest fan, Becca xxxx
Lauren Feb 16 2012 - 12:37 am
So sorry about Marley, but Barry, You’re drawings are awesome<3
Juliet Stafford Feb 16 2012 - 12:57 am
I would gladly get bitten by such a glorious cat. I’ve been bitten and scratched by mine quite a few times… Not the best way of showing love and compassion. I hope you’re doing alright.
Juliet Xxx
Ethan Feb 25 2012 - 11:13 pm
We gather around this post to honour our dear harmonious Marley Fish. Although few of us knew him apart from the comics, he will always truly survive in our hearts. He was a simple yet complicated cat, like Stuart, but always loved his owner, Barry. If you are with us Marley we are so sad but we will always love you. Hopefully Marley II with us just as long.
He deserved a proper sending off…
Jenny Feb 28 2012 - 4:47 pm
the pic of you lying with him made me cry in a (sort of) good way, it brought back memories of me and my dog Bob who passed away in the summer. We used to lie together just like that :’)
louise Mar 6 2012 - 11:33 am
Poor marley-fish !!!!!
jj Apr 2 2012 - 9:38 am
Poor marley <3 I know its april and he dies in feb but i wanted to say i think he was adorable! Bye marley<3 Sorry for you loss barry x
Emma Wood Jul 17 2012 - 12:59 pm
Aww Barry i did not know that he had passed away, i thought he was still alive…hence the Marley Fish drawings you do every Monday, I’m so, so sorry (i have a cat called wiskey) and how upset i would be when he passes on to cat heaven :’( can i ask why did you name him Marley Fish?