This year we are taking not one but two completely new shows to the Edinburgh Festival in August: ‘The Show’ and ‘The Tell’, collectively ‘Show and Tell’.
In “Show and Tell: The Show” (22:15 nightly) we will perform a brand new hour crammed full of astonishing, gruesome and surprising illusions. The show this year is bigger and more twisted than anything we have done previously. It is also the most ambitious project we have ever undertaken because this show has a twist, a devious second part to it in the form of a choice YOU will make of whether or not you want to find out how all of the tricks were done!
At midnight each night, we will exclusively reveal all the secrets behind the magic from that first show in a second show called ‘Show & Tell: The Tell.’ In this very special late-night event, if you choose to find out, you will be taken behind the scenes and be allowed to discover, for the first time ever, the hidden techniques behind our tricks and illusions.
We have purposefully chosen a small and intimate room for this midnight show, so while demand for these secrets may be high, only a very limited amount of people will be able to see how our magic was really done.
The Tell will only really make sense if you have first seen The Show, for that reason we ask that you must first attend The Show before coming to see The Tell.
We will be in Edinburgh from the 3rd – 28th August 2011. We advise seeing both shows on the same night and to do that you need to enter the same date for both shows when buying tickets. New days start at 7am in Edinburgh so late night shows starting on or after midnight are still counted as the same date.
Tickets can be purchased for ‘The Show’ at 22:15 in the E4 Cow Barn here
Tickets for ‘The Tell’ at midnight in The Wee Coo (Udderbelly Pasture) can be found here
You must first see ‘THE SHOW’ (22:15 E4 COW BARN) and will be asked to show proof of your attendance in order to gain entry at midnight to ‘THE TELL.’
Kyra H Jun 18 2011 - 5:17 pm
OMG! Just buy pure chance I have a golf match in Scotland when the Fringe Festival is on. So at the moment i’m in the process of bribing my parents to let me come and see it.
Danielle Sleigh Jul 3 2011 - 4:41 pm
Are both show venues close by each other?
Never been to Scotland in my life before.
Show better be worth it guys
Shannon Jul 4 2011 - 9:55 pm
Just wondered does that mean not everyone can see ‘the tell’?
barry Jul 8 2011 - 10:34 am
@Danielle The venues are just next door to each other.
@Shannon You can only see “The Tell” if you have first seen “The Show”.
Ukulele Kris Aug 17 2011 - 11:19 pm
Do you have any plans to tour this show/tell after Edinburgh? I am far too poor to go see it there, but I’d love to try and see it if you do tour it (coughMANCHESTER OR PRESTONcough)
barry Aug 31 2011 - 12:50 pm
@Kris. We hope that we’ll do Show and Tell sometime again soon. We’ll put future tour dates on our site.
Chrissy Dec 1 2011 - 12:39 am
reallyyy wanted to see this show!!